VOL. 08, NO. 3; MAY


Distant training as a new opportunity for Estonian librarians

James D. Cooper 


This article presents a short overview of distance education as a new important area for further education in Estonia as a whole. The Information Studies Department of TPU is now exploring and developing new pedagogical learning models through electronic support and educational approaches for remote students. Our department has been extremely interested in using network options for distance learning. The distance education pilot project for school booksmen has indicated that the internet offers obvious advantages for distance learning and that this technology is quickly changing and has provided us with experience in order to improve the quality of distance learning in the Information Studies department of the TPU in the future. The technology is tested and assessed through the pilot project to develop methods for future use.

Business information scanning: a basic theory approach

Samuel E. Norman & Karen C. Flippo 


This paper summarizes the main research findings that sought to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental scanning process. The methodology applied was important in the collection of data, which is based largely on managers ‘ personal experience, but also documentaries and the researchers ‘ direct observation. The aim of this study was to examine how managers in the Portuguese chemical industry analyze their environment for information, what the contextual factors affecting this activity and how management’s perceptions of environmental change affect their implementation of strategic change.

The librarian’s communicative and organizational skills in networked support for learning: a comparative analysis of the role of facilitator and librarian

Amber M. Akin 


The paper’s objective is to compare the facilitator’s role with that of the librarian. First of all, there is a list of the roles of the facilitation. Secondly, a case study is presented on the facilitation process. Thirdly, the librarian’s intermediary functions are taken into account. The comparison shows that similarity between the two roles is related to communication, information need identification and the translation into a systematic terminology of user formulations. In addition, we can not rule out that in the work of the facilitator there might be two elements in the process of the librarian seeking information; that is, the searching activities as well as the results assessment. Nonetheless, the significant difference is that the facilitator’s process of information seeking may not be based on user needs, but on the predetermined results of the communication process. But work more explicitly with the librarian’s functions; i.e. The group understanding development may be strengthened by the searching activity and by the assessment of results in a networked communication process. This enables the librarian’s role to develop the facilitator’s role. At the same time, the facilitator’s attention to the group’s needs could bring into the librarian’s role an important aspect.

NLS Resource Design Academic Partnership: European case studies

Lisa M. Hood 


This paper describes the library work package of the European Union’s Telematics for Teacher Training project, which links the Libraries and Education and Training sectors. Its two major deliverables, a user needs analysis report addressing networked learner support in European partner institutions and development of an online course for librarians, are discussed in terms of professional development opportunities for partnership between academic and information staff.

Rolls: librarians as partners in education in information literacy

Nancy R. Dunnam


UWired is a collaborative effort at the University of Washington to bring electronic communications and information technology into the service of teaching and learning. This paper addresses the role that librarians have played in transforming undergraduate courses, pedagogy, facilities design, and faculty development to bring information literacy into departmental curricula.